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A person stands by a signpost, looking puzzled, asking WHERE DO I LIVE? against a blue sky backdrop.


A common problem for new drivers is their parents have chauffeured them around for the last ten years, so they...

Close-up of a shoe pressing on car pedals, highlighting the Transmission and Brakes in a driving context.

Transmission And Brakes

TRANSMISSION All that power coming from the crankshaft goes to the wheels through the transmission, which is a set of...

A mechanic works on a car engine, illustrating concepts from How A Car Engine Works.

How A Car Engine Works

MAGIC SQUIRRELS?!? Many new drivers of all ages have not studied their cars at all beyond the steering wheel, brake,...

Traffic sign directing to the Business District, a reminder of how to lose your license through careless driving.

How to Lose Your License

License suspensions and revocations Driving is a privilege and can be suspended or revoked by the DMV. Driver’s licenses are...

A man in a suit leans on the steering wheel, visibly exhausted, highlighting the dangers of driving fatigued.

Driving Fatigued

Driving fatigue is a condition that affects everyone at one time or another. Crashes resulting from microsleep, which lasts from...

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