Would You Pass Your Test Again A Year After Getting Your Driving License?

Would You Pass Your Test Again a Year After Getting Your Driving License

There’s no better feeling than passing your driving test. All that time and effort spent on your lessons and preparation for your test finally pays off, and you’re a qualified driver. But would you pass the same test again after a year of having your license? 

We’re willing to bet that most drivers assume that they’re better at driving after a year of practice than they were when they were still learners. Still, a recent survey by Garmin of 1,000 drivers under the age of 25 indicated that only 57% were confident that they could pass their driving test again.

Read More: The Ultimate Guide To Getting Your License At Northwest Driving School

What Are The Major Issues?

The Garmin survey indicated that over 80% of drivers had committed a driving offense in the last 12 months. These offenses included:

  • Getting distracted by in-car media such as the radio (35%)
  • Driving nervously or too slowly (33%)
  • Speeding (20%)
  • Engaging in some form of road rage (17%)
  • Not using their mirrors while driving (20%)


Is There A Solution?

The Garmin survey throws a harsh spotlight on how many drivers quickly forget what they’ve learned during their driving lessons. 

Many of the driving offenses committed by those surveyed by Garmin, especially speeding and road rage, are responsible for many thousands of automotive accidents and deaths each year. 

It seems clear that there needs to be some way of reinforcing those lessons and ensuring they don’t slip as soon as a new driver obtains their license. That’s where a pass-plus course comes in.

Pass plus courses effectively continue your lessons after you’ve got your license. You don’t need to take them anywhere as frequently as you would with your standard driving lessons, and they’re normally more relaxed and informal than standard driving lessons.

Taking a pass-plus course allows you to keep sharpening your skills and makes you a better driver instead of those skills gradually fading or being forgotten. 

It’s also an opportunity for your instructor to impart some of their many years of experience and wisdom that might have been glossed over to cover things that were more vital to you passing your test. 

Certified Instructor NV, DMV

Margaret Estrada has become one of Northwest's most popular Driving Instructors. Margaret grew up in Las Vegas and went on to graduate from Basic High School. As a home-town girl, Margaret knows Clark county and its roadways very well. Before…Read More