Speeding Fines: 4 Common Myths Busted

A driver looks distressed while receiving a ticket for speeding fines from a police officer.

When it comes to speed cameras and speeding fines, there are a lot of misconceptions and perceived loopholes that can tempt drivers into exceeding the speed limit. However, many of these myths about speeding are based on outdated or just plain incorrect information.

In this article, we’ll be identifying four of the most common myths around speeding and busting them.

Read More: Speeding Fines: The 5 Most Common Speeding Myths

If I Get Caught Speeding, I Can Avoid Getting Points By Requesting To Take A Speed Awareness Course

Even if your state runs a speed awareness course, it’s not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Most speed awareness courses have specific criteria, such as:

  • You haven’t been convicted of other speeding offenses in the past 3 years.
  • You’ve been caught driving over 10% plus 2mph over the limit but below 10% plus 9mph.

If you don’t meet those criteria, then you won’t be offered the chance to attend a speed awareness course and you’ll just get the points on your license. 


You Have To Be Speeding At Least 10% Over The Limit Plus 2mph To Get Caught

This is a guideline used by some state police forces to aid their decision on the severity of the offense and what punishment would be suitable. The reality is that if the speed limit is 30mph and you are driving at 31mph, then you are breaking the speed limit and the law.

I Can’t Be Charged Because The Speed Camera Van Wasn’t Visible

This misconception is based on outdated information that only applies in certain states to begin with. In most states, police are allowed to disguise speed traps and use unmarked cars to catch drivers who are speeding.

In addition, most states do not require speed cameras to be painted in a bright color or have signage warning drivers that a speed camera is ahead of them.

Speed Traps Are Just There To Make Money

From the perspective of the person paying the fine, it might feel like that. However, the reality is that speed traps, or the threat of a speed trap, are an effective deterrent to speeding. 

Given that speeding is a factor in 26% of all traffic fatalities, killing an average of 25 people per day across the U.S., having an effective deterrent to speeding in place saves lives.

Reduce Your Points With Northwest Traffic School.

Northwest Driving School and Traffic School offers Nevada DMV-certified driving and traffic classes in Las Vegas. You can reduce your traffic points and fines with the help of our experienced instructors. Our instructors provide personalized driving lessons to help you become a better driver. We also offer flexible scheduling and affordable rates. Take advantage of our services and start driving with confidence.

Call us at (702) 212-5667 and reduce your traffic points in one easy class.

Certified Instructor NV, DMV

Margaret Estrada has become one of Northwest's most popular Driving Instructors. Margaret grew up in Las Vegas and went on to graduate from Basic High School. As a home-town girl, Margaret knows Clark county and its roadways very well. Before…Read More