Don’t Be Caught In A Winter Storm Without These 10 Care Essentials

A snowplow clears a road during a Winter Storm, surrounded by heavy snowfall and low visibility.

It’s that time of year again—cold weather sets in, and snow starts to fall. For many, this means bundling up and taking precautions against winter weather.

But for drivers, it means being prepared for anything that might come your way. Whether you’re dealing with a light dusting or a full-blown blizzard, these 10 care essentials will help you make it through unscathed!

Read More: A Guide to Winter-Proofing Your Car for Winter Adventures

Top 10 Winter Driving Essentials

Tire chains or snow tires: If you live in an area with a lot of snow, investing in tire chains or snow tires is a good idea. This will help you get better traction on icy roads and make it less likely that you’ll slide off the road.

A shovel and ice scraper: These are essential for clearing your windshield and removing any ice or snow that might be blocking your view. Compromised visibility is one of the leading causes of winter accidents, so make sure you can see where you’re going!

A first-aid kit: You never know when someone might need a bandage or pain medication, so keeping a first-aid kit in your car is always a good idea. This will come in handy if anyone gets hurt while you’re on the road.

An emergency kit: This should include items like a flashlight, first-aid kit, flares, and blankets. You never know when you might need them! If you get stuck somewhere, having additional blankets and warm clothes will help you stay comfortable until help arrives.

Extra food and water: It’s always a good idea to have extra snacks and drinks in your car in case you get stranded somewhere. A thermos of hot coffee or tea can also be a lifesaver on a cold winter day.

Traction mats or kitty litter: If your tires start to spin on the ice, these can help give them some traction. You can usually find them at any hardware store.

Jumper cables: If your battery dies, having jumper cables will allow you to jump-start your car. Be sure to ask someone for help if you’re not sure how to use them!

A full tank of gas: This one is pretty self-explanatory. You don’t want to run out of gas during a winter storm! This is especially important if you’re going to be driving in rural areas where there might not be any gas stations for a while.

Your cell phone and charger: This will allow you to call for help if you need it. Make sure your phone is fully charged before you leave! A car charger is also a good idea, just in case, but remember not to drain your battery too much while you’re using it.

Maps: If you’re unfamiliar with the area you’re driving in, having a map on hand is a good idea. That way, you can find your way if you get lost. Paper maps also work if your phone dies and you can’t use Google Maps.


Choosing The Essentials

These are just a few things you should have in your car when driving in winter weather. By being prepared, you’ll be more likely to safely make it to your destination.

David Cook
Certified Instructor, NV DMV

David Cook was raised in the State of Oregon and graduated the University of Oregon with a bachelor’s and master’s in music education. David moved to California and taught music in the public schools for several years and then moved…Read More