What Are The Most Common Causes Of Breakdowns And How To Avoid Them

A woman inspects her car engine while on the phone, highlighting common causes of breakdowns.

According to driver assistance company Agero, there are 69 million breakdowns in the United States annually. That’s equivalent to one in every three drivers. The cost of these breakdowns is more than forty billion dollars or 315 dollars per household per year. 

The total cost of all breakdown repairs is the same as the total GDP of Bolivia, a South American country. Or, to bring it closer to home, that’s more than the combined salaries of every household in Maimi, Orlando, New Orleans, and St. Louis, just in breakdown costs.

Breakdowns don’t just have a dollar price, either. More than 700 drivers are killed per year while trying to resolve a breakdown and around 41 tow truck drivers are killed on the job every year.

Agero’s research also revealed that most of the 69 million breakdowns each year were caused by preventable problems. In this article, we’ll discuss the most common causes of vehicle breakdowns so you can learn to avoid them.

A Flat or Faulty Battery

Flat or flat batteries account for around 30% of all breakdowns and while a faulty battery is beyond your control, a flat one is usually caused by driver error. 

Many drivers don’t understand that regular driving is important for keeping their batteries charged, but short journeys often don’t provide enough power. So, if you’ve sat with your heating on for ten minutes to warm the car enough for a five-minute run to the local store, you’re slowly draining your battery.

Batteries also don’t last forever; they usually need to be replaced every few years. However, charging the battery overnight or using a battery charging kit every so often might help extend its life.


A Faulty Alternator

The alternator funnels some of the power generated by your engine back into your battery, recharging it as you drive. If your alternator stops working, your battery will eventually go flat.

If you notice smaller faults, such as dimmed headlights, slow wipers, flickering dash lights, or an ignition warning light, you should have your alternator checked as soon as possible.

Damaged Tires or Wheels

One of the most common causes of breakdown is a flat tire caused by a puncture. The remedy for this is to check your tires regularly, making sure they have a tread depth of at least 1.6mm and are inflated to the right pressure. The correct pressure for your tires is often printed on the side of the tire itself.

Remember to take the same precautions with your spare tire or spare wheel to prevent it from being flat when you need it.

Electrical Problems

Modern cars are complex machines driven as much by computers as they are pistons. Your car’s electrical system includes a range of circuits controlling everything from the headlights to the stereo. Problems can crop up due to burned-out bulbs, faulty wiring, blown fuses, or wear and tear.

Make sure you regularly maintain your car’s electrics, replacing burnt-out bulbs and having other more serious or complicated faults fixed as soon as possible by a professional.


Around 133,000 drivers put the wrong fuel in their cars every month. If this happens to you, taking decisive action as fast as possible is vital. Driving your car with the wrong fuel can result in mechanical damage, so you’ll want to make sure you don’t start your car. 

Before you can run your car again, you’ll need to have the fuel pumped out and replaced and potentially have your ignition system flushed. 

Instructor and Office Administrator

Frankie works and karaoke's in Las Vegas but his out-of-doors-heart is still out East. Born in Boston, Frankie loves the snow and mountains. As an avid snowboarder, Frankie has never seen a snow day he didn't LOVE! A graduate from…Read More