Car Maintenance Myths – Busted

A mechanic works on an engine, debunking common Car Maintenance Myths with hands-on expertise.

Modern cars are complex amalgamations of computers and mechanics, and maintaining them is a reasonably complex process. However, several myths and inaccuracies associated with car maintenance are either holdovers from an older generation of vehicles or just plain incorrect.

In this article, we’ll bust some car maintenance myths.

Read More: Basic Car Maintenance: What Can You Do Yourself?

You Should Change Your Oil Every 3000 Miles

The vast majority of modern cars can travel for 7500 miles or more in optimal driving conditions without needing an oil change. When it comes to how frequently you should change your oil, it’s best to pay attention to your car’s manual and not your local garage. After all, they have a vested interest in getting you to change your oil as often as possible because they’ll most likely be the ones you’re paying to do it. 


The Number On The Side Of Your Tires Is The Correct Pressure

Actually, that number is the maximum tire pressure those tires are rated for. If you’re looking for the correct tire pressure for your particular car, you can often find it listed in the manual or on a sticker in the glove box or under the fuel cap.

Flush Your Coolant Regularly

While it is a good idea to keep an eye on your coolant levels to ensure nothing leaks, you should only need to flush your coolant every 60,000 miles or so. This is probably another maintenance myth cooked up by lube shops to drum up business, so don’t waste your money.

Use Dishwashing Detergent To Wash Your Car

Absolutely don’t do this! There is a reason for specific car washing products. Most car shampoos contain a wax that gives your car that lovely shine and protects the paint underneath. Using household products or dishwashing detergent will strip that layer of wax off and put your paint at risk.

Warm-Up Your Car Before Setting Off

Unless you live somewhere where the mercury regularly drops into the minus numbers, you don’t need to warm up your car. This advice is probably a holdover from previous generations of less efficient engines. Most modern vehicles don’t need to be shaken out before taking them on the road. You’re just wasting time and gas.

Certified Instructor NV, DMV

Margaret Estrada has become one of Northwest's most popular Driving Instructors. Margaret grew up in Las Vegas and went on to graduate from Basic High School. As a home-town girl, Margaret knows Clark county and its roadways very well. Before…Read More