How Can a Driving School Prepare You for the Unexpected on the Roads?

How Can a Driving School Prepare You for the Unexpected on the Roads?

Driving can be fun and exciting, but it also comes with great responsibility. Anything can happen along the way while driving, as road conditions, weather, and other drivers make the situation inherently unpredictable. 

You may have to deal with sudden stops, lousy weather, or some other driver swerving in front of you. Knowing how to respond in such situations is vital to staying safe. A good driving school will teach you how to be ready for anything so that you can keep yourself safe and avoid accidents by learning to deal with such unexpected situations.

Read More: 5 Tips To Prepare Your Car For The Road

How a Driving School Will Help You Prepare

Teaching Defensive Driving

One of the primary things that a driving school can teach is defensive driving. It means paying close attention to what is happening around you, assuming that the potential risks you see from other drivers doing something erratic or a potential obstruction in the road turn into actual risks, and preparing to act accordingly. 

For example, when changing lanes, baseline expectations for driving safety state that you should always look to see if someone is already in the spot you are trying to merge or if there is a car next to that spot with their blinker on, trying to merge into the same place as you. Defensive driving would go one step further and say that if a car is next to the spot where you are trying to merge, you should assume they might try to merge into the same spot as you (even if they don’t have their blinker on) and that they will not check their blind spot (i.e., they will not see you). 

This may seem extreme, but if you make that assumption (versus trusting them to use their blinker properly), you will watch that car the entire time you merge and can avoid a potential collision if they attempt to merge into you at the last minute.

Execution of Emergency Maneuvers

What if a car suddenly stopped right in front of you? Or if you started to skid on a wet pavement? You’ll practice emergency maneuvers in a driving school: braking fast without losing control, steering out of a skid, etc. It’s good to practice these maneuvers in a safe environment so that if something does happen, you can stay calm and know what to do.

Dealing with Various Weather Conditions

Driving in bad weather can be very challenging if you are new to driving. A driving school will teach you to handle rain, snow, and foggy weather. You’ll know how to adjust your speed correctly, use your various headlight settings, and maintain control even in bad weather conditions. Knowing ways of driving safely in every weather condition is critical to being a good driver.

Building Confidence

One of the most significant reasons to attend driving school is that it builds confidence. When people know what to do in an emergency, panic doesn’t hit them as hard. Confidence is everything because it helps keep you cool-headed and make good decisions, even under pressure.

Avoid Distractions

Indeed, distraction is among the significant causes of accidents on the road. Your phone, radio—anything inside or outside your car—is easy to turn your head toward. Driving school instructors help train you to ignore distractions through repetition, helping you keep your attention on the road even when they are not in the car with you. 


Northwest Driving School believes in empowering students to become safe, confident drivers. With our DMV-approved program, we will show you how to prepare for anything that might be thrown your way while driving. We have patient instructors who will instruct you on handling situations unexpectedly so you can drive confidently. We’re open seven days a week to fit your schedule. With a 95+% DMV drive test pass rate, you know you are getting the best training. See us at Northwest Driving School today and start your journey to be that great, prepared driver!

Certified Instructor NV, DMV

Margaret Estrada has become one of Northwest's most popular Driving Instructors. Margaret grew up in Las Vegas and went on to graduate from Basic High School. As a home-town girl, Margaret knows Clark county and its roadways very well. Before…Read More