Young Drivers How To Lose Your License

A hand holding a beer bottle hangs out of a car window, illustrating How To Lose Your License through reckless behavior.

If you are under 18 years old and applying for a Nevada driver’s license or permit, a parent or guardian must cosign your application. You will need to sign an affidavit stating you understand the following:

Your license may be:

  • Suspended for 90 days if your BAC is at least .02% but less than .08%
  • Revoked for 90 days for any court finding of driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance
  • Suspended or issuance delayed for up to two years for:
  1. Graffiti on or defacing public or private property
  2. Any criminal activity involving alcohol or a controlled substance
  3. Using, possessing, selling or distributing a controlled substance
  4. Purchasing, consuming or possessing an alcoholic beverage
  • Suspended or issuance delayed for up to one year for handling or possessing a firearm. For a second offense, your license is suspended or issuance delayed for up to two years.
  • If found guilty of participating in or organizing an unauthorized speed contest, you have a license for 6 months but not more than two years.
  • Habitual truancy carries a suspension of you license for at least 30 day but no more than six months. For the second offense and subsequent offenses, your license will be suspended for at least 60 days but no more than one year or the issuance of your license will be delayed for 60 days.


Read More: How to Lose Your License

Rich Heinrich
Master Instructor / General Manager

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