Winterproof Your Ride: A Guide To Storing Your Car In A Garage Or Outbuilding

Winterproof Your Ride: A Guide To Storing Your Car In A Garage Or Outbuilding

It’s that time of year again: the leaves are changing color, the days are getting shorter, and winter is on its way. For many people, that means it’s time to start storing their cars in a garage or outbuilding.

If you’re not sure how to do it properly, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll talk about the best way to store your car in a garage or outbuilding over the winter. By following these tips, you can make sure your car stays in good condition all season long!

Read More: Safety Tips For Winter Driving

Why Would You Need To Store Your Car For The Winter?

The winter months can be tough on your car. Between the cold weather, the snow and ice, and the salt used to melt it all, your car can take a beating.

That’s why it’s important to take extra steps to protect it during this time of year. One of those steps is storing your car in a garage or outbuilding when you’re not using it. This will help keep it out of the elements and ensure it stays in good condition.

Depending on where you live, you might need to switch to a vehicle with a little more clearance or 4×4 capabilities over the winter and put the convertible away until the sun returns.


How Do You Store Your Car In A Garage Or Outbuilding?

There are a few things you’ll need to do to prepare your car for storage:

Clean it: Be sure to clean your car well inside and out before you store it. This will help prevent dirt or grime from building up while it’s in storage.

Fill it up: You should fill up your gas tank before storing your vehicle. This will help prevent the fuel lines from drying out and keep the engine lubricated.

Change the oil: Be sure to change your oil and filter before you store your car for an extended period. This will help keep the engine clean and running smoothly.

Check the tires: Take a look at your tires to make sure they’re inflated properly and that there’s no excessive wear or damage. You may want to consider investing in a set of tire covers to protect them from the elements while they’re not in use.

Disconnect or charge the battery: If you’re storing your car for more than a couple of weeks, disconnecting the battery is a good idea. This will help prevent it from draining while in storage. If you have a battery tender, you can hook it up to keep the battery charged while your car is in storage.

Cover any exposed areas:  Any exposed areas on your car are susceptible to rust and corrosion, so it’s important to cover them up if possible. A tarp or car cover will do the trick.

Reduce its rodent appeal:   Mice and other rodents love to nest in warm, dark places – like inside your car. To discourage them from making a home in your car, be sure to remove any food sources (including garbage bags) and seal up any holes or cracks where they could get in.

Add a dehumidifier: Humidity can cause problems for your car, including rusting metal and mold growth. To help combat these issues, add a dehumidifier to your storage space.

These are just a few things to keep in mind when storing your car over the winter. By taking these precautions, you can help ensure that your car is in good shape when spring rolls around. Thanks for reading

These are just a few tips to help you winterproof your ride. By taking some simple precautions, you can ensure that your car will be in tip-top shape when spring rolls around. So don’t wait until the last minute to get your vehicle ready for storage.

Certified Instructor NV, DMV

Margaret Estrada has become one of Northwest's most popular Driving Instructors. Margaret grew up in Las Vegas and went on to graduate from Basic High School. As a home-town girl, Margaret knows Clark county and its roadways very well. Before…Read More