How to Keep Your Car Clean

A child washes a car with a sponge, illustrating How to Keep Your Car Clean through hands-on care.

There’s nothing worse than going to get in your car and realizing that your paintwork is a complete mess. Car washing is a messy and time-consuming process, and environmental factors and everyday wear and tear are always conspiring to strip the shine from your car’s body. 

In this article, we’ll be giving you some tips on how to keep your car clean and how to maintain that shine for longer. 

Wash Your Car Regularly 

Yes, we know it’s boring, and you’ve probably got better things to do with, but there is no replacement for regularly washing your car. At the minimum, you should be going it once and month, and once a week is probably better.   

Remember to use specific car shampoo and waxing products. Household cleaners aren’t designed to protect car paint and could damage your car’s finish. 

On the plus side, there’s no reason you have to do it yourself. Taking your car to the local auto wash is just as effective. 


Remove Deposits Quickly

The random deposits that your car picks up during the day, like bird poo, industrial dirt, tree sap, and even certain types of mud, are more likely to stain your paintwork the longer they stay on there. A few minutes with the hose getting rid of them at the end of the day is going to save you a lot of time with the clay bar later.

Stay Out of the Sun

Constant exposure to the sun will fade your paintwork and dull the shine of your wax job. Whenever possible, try to park your car in a covered parking area or take the extra time to pull it into the garage and out of the sun.

Stay Out from Underneath the Trees

While parking under tree cover might seem like an excellent way to avoid sun-bleaching your car, there’s a reason that we’d suggest you use a covered parking area instead. Tree sap and bird poo are two of the most common stubborn stain-causing deposits out there, and parking underneath a tree is just asking to get spattered.

Certified Instructor NV, DMV

Margaret Estrada has become one of Northwest's most popular Driving Instructors. Margaret grew up in Las Vegas and went on to graduate from Basic High School. As a home-town girl, Margaret knows Clark county and its roadways very well. Before…Read More